After School Strings' Lessons

After School- lessons with Nathan Sherman and Ciara Cavanagh
We are extremely fortunate to not only have Ciara (as our main strings' tutor and orchestra conductor) but also her brother Shane (a gifted cellist, arranger and strings' project tutor) on the books in St. Peter's. Shane had been providing after-school lessons to many of our 2nd-6th class pupils for the past number of years. A lot of our orchestra students avail of lessons after school on Mondays and Fridays.
Shane and his after-school lesson pupils performed with Howth N.S. orchestra on Wednesday, 29th of May 2019
Shane also led and conducted our past pupils' secondary school classical chamber orchestra. This group comprises 14 past pupils who come back to St. Peter's once a week to enhance their musical skills and as a social occasion. St. Peter's N.S. made history this year as the only school to enter both a primary and a secondary school orchestra into Wesley Feis.
We hope our secondary school chamber group grows from strength to strength.
Ciara has now taken over our secondary school orchestra (comprising 17 past pupils) and Nathan is responsible for after-school strings' lessons each Friday.
See a report on our secondary school orchestra's recent outing at Wesley Feis in News