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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Digital Learning

We are very lucky in St. Peter's that we have lots of devices for ICT in our school to support digital learning.

· 5th and 6th class have access to Chromebooks each month. They can work on typing, research, writing genres and reading during this time.

· Junior infants-4th class have access to iPads each week. They can play games, research, and read on the devices.

Other uses for ICT in our school include:

· Beebots: the children can use these to navigate direction and spatial awareness.

· Interactive boards: the children can use the interactive boards during lessons for learning, to engage in games and online activities.

Teachers in our school use ICT to support our students learning in many ways:

· Reading on apps such as EPIC.

· Word work, spellings, phonics work on various apps on the iPads.

· Apps and websites are used to support SESE and STEM.

· Websites such as Topmarks, ict games and apps for maths and literacy.