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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Messages from our principal

25th Nov 2020

Dear parents/guardians,

It's hard to believe that the end of November is approaching and the beginning of December is in sight. The staff and students of St. Peter's have worked extremely hard to ensure our school  community provides the highest standards of teaching and learning in the safest possible environment.

As the end of Term 1 approaches, we have a number of important events/programmes and initiatives coming up as the year draws to a close. Our parent/teacher meetings (in much different circumstances) will officially start from tomorrow (25th of November with earlier school closures). Staff will be communicating via phone or online means. We hope you can benefit from the virtual meeting with your child's teacher(s) and take positive aspects from the experience as well as gaining an insight into how you can support your child from home.

Our online cyber-safety talks will take place at the start of December (for 3rd-6th classes) and our students have also been tasked with entering a SPHE/ART competition-to design a festive card in honour of our First Responders. A pupils from each school will be awarded with a prize. 

Our C........ annuals (is it too early to mention the C word yet!!!) will arrive shortly for all students from junior infants-6th class as an early festive gift.

Once again, thanks to all of our parents who have signed up to the Schools' Dublin App (to further improve the lines of communication between the school and home). Our class teachers are working on promoting/implementing aspects of online homework (as part of our digital learning plan) through Class Dojo and Microsoft Teams.

We will also hope to host our Christmas concerts/sing-songs (in the hall-with one class bubble performing at a time) online. Recordings will be posted onto the website for other classes to view.

The staff are currently reviewing the Code of Behaviour with a view to a final consultation in early January 2021.

Child Safeguarding Statement: 

The current Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment policies are on the school website.  They will be reviewed and ratified by the Board once again early in the new year (2021). These policies (Child Protection) are reviewed annually- as a mandatory requirement. 

If any parent wishes to provide feedback on any of the above policies, please fill in the parents' review of policy documents from the News section (15th of November) and submit it to or


Le meas,

Ray Ryan,
