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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Summer strings’ community concert

27th Jun 2024

On Wednesday, 26th of June, St. Peter’s Church facilitated our wonderful end of year concert to round off the musical season. Our wonderful orchestra (spearheaded by our orchestra leader Lily and ably accompanied by the two other members of our accomplished violin trio-Aaron and Isabella) performed a varied programme from ‘My Grandfathers Clock’ to the ‘Finale’ from Beethoven’s 5th symphony. Our string trio (Lily, Aaron and Isabella) alongside Mary (our cello teacher) and Mr. Ryan serenaded the crowd with their rendition of Mascagni’s Cavalliera Rusticana. The amazing Offbeat Ensemble played a wide variety of pieces from the ‘Incredibles’ to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. The highlight of their overall performance was their rendition of the second movement of Bach’s Double Violin Concerto (Lily and Aaron were the soloists for the concerto). See video clip below. 

Sr. Bernadette Sweeney rounded off proceedings with a lovely tribute to the hard work of the school community in ensuring that everyone has an equal role to play when it comes to access to music. 

We would like to thank our parental volunteers who helped with ticketing on the night, Collette (our secretary) for keeping the whole show on the road, Ms. Oliver (our strings’ co-ordinatior) Ms. Carroll (Deputy Principal and 6th class teacher) as well as Ms. Kirrane, Ms. Brosnan and Ms. McDermott for their presence on the night. 

A particular word of thanks to Fr. Devlin and the staff of St. Peter’s Church for facilitating us last night. A special word of thanks to Nathan Sherman (conductor) and the wonderful Offbeat Ensemble. Of course an enormous word of thanks to the amazing Ciara (our strings’ project leader) and the brilliant boys and girls from 2nd to 6th class. 

We want to wish our 6th class pupils the best of luck as they move onto secondary school and we hope that they will return to us in the near future. 

We raised €575 for our strings’ project.