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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Term 1 in 1st Class

23rd Jan 2024

We had lots of fun in term 1. Some of the activities that we enjoyed include:

  • Library: We went to Phibsboro Library to borrow two books each. We are looking forward to going back this term. 
  • Planting: We planted daffodil bulbs with Derek our caretaker. We can't wait to see the daffodils bloom. 
  • Drama: We played games, sang songs, acted and performed during Drama with Paula.
  • STEM: We planned, designed and built a new toy in pairs. We got to present our toy to the class. 
  • Christmas performance:We sang Christmas songs to our parents in the hall. We also sang the songs that we learn with Ciara. We had so much fun.
  • Puppet Show:We watched a puppet show in the hall. It was so funny, thanks to Mr. Ryan for organising it.