Mission Statement
St. Peter's National School Mission Statement
St. Peter’s National School is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.
While St. Peter’s National School is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition for all other religions. “An ethos is a way of living, behaving and doing things by people, though diverse, follow common values and are united by a shared vision of life.” ( Monsignor Stack 2013) We are a Catholic school and daily prayer and worship are integral to all that we do.
St. Peter’s National School will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.
St. Peter’s National School will encourage the involvement of parents through Parents' Committees, home/school liaison contact and through Parent and Teacher meetings.
St. Peter’s National School will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible.
The staff of St. Peter's also aim to support/promote the well-being and wellness of all stakeholders-pupils, parents and teachers themselves through a range of well being initiatives, programmes and the School Self Evaluation process.
St. Peter’s National School will promote gender equity amongst the teachers and pupils.
Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae.
The school motto is: LEARNING FOR LIFE