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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

School Calendar 2024 2025

School Calendar

School Calendar 2024 2025 and 2023 2024-updated January 30th 2024

November 2022 January 2023
Monday, 5th December 2022
First school orchestra lesson with Ciara
Thursday, 8th December 2022
Half Day Closure for PLC training- see email sent on the 24th of November
Monday, 12th December 2022
Strings' Open Day (2nd-6th classes-ALL day)
Thursday, 15th December 2022
FingalBricks4kids sessions with 1st and 2nd class
Friday, 16th December 2022
Cake and Bake Sale/Art and Craft Sale/Coffee morning and Parents Association recruitment drive (9:15-10:30)
Monday, 19th December 2022
Nativity Play in St. Peter's Church with mini carol service (Date and time TBC)
Tuesday, 20th December 2022
Whole school assembly and Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday, 21st December 2022
End of Term 1 (Christmas holidays)- staggered dismissals will be communicated in advance