St. Peter's N.S. reopens for the 2023/24 academic year
Dear parents/guardians,
We've had a wonderful start to the new school year welcoming new and familiar faces alike here in St. Peter's N.S.
A few reminders for parents as we face into our first full week of the new school year.
- Please ensure all of your child’s clothes are labelled with a pen or permanent marker.
- Pupils will need to bring in their own clean hand towel/cloth to dry their hands with. Please ensure it is cleaned on a regular basis. They may bring in small containers of hand gel/sanitizer if they wish.
- Please ensure your child brings a drink to school each day (water preferably- no fizzy drinks please as per our health lunches policy). Classrooms are fitted with filtered water taps which children are welcome to use.
- Hot lunches will commence from Monday 4th of September for all pupils.
- Homework will start from senior infants to 6th classes on Monday, 4th of September.
We remind parents that office hours are between 9.30am and 2pm should they wish to phone the school or see our school secretary Collette. Thank you.
Tips for Parents of New Pupils -'Your Child in the Primary School'
Please see link below, 'Tips for Parents of New Entrants', an Irish National Teacher's Organisation (INTO) publication from the 14th of March 2022. The updated version (May 2023) is below the March 2022 version.
2023_24-Tips-for-Parents-EN.pdf (
Information for New Pupils

Fáilte and Welcome to St. Peter's National School Phibsboro.
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Junior Infants to our school. Starting primary school is a very exciting and special time for you and your child and over the coming school year we will work with you to make it the most wonderful experience. If you have any questions in the weeks ahead please contact our school office and our School Secretary Collette be happy to assist you.
School Policies
Many policies are available on our school website ('Policies' tab). Please take note of our school policies, and in particular the following key policies:
- Admissions Policy
- Code of Behaviour
- Ethos Statement
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Child Safeguarding Policy
- Acceptable Use Internet Policy
- RSE Policy
School Uniform
We are proud of our school uniform and we expect pupils to wear it well. The P.E. tracksuit is worn 1-2days each week for P.E.
- grey skirt/pinafore/ trousers
- maroon/wine jumper with school crest (crest available in school office) wine tie
- grey/white blouse or polo-shirt
- black tights/ white socks
- black shoes (velcro straps are best for infants)
- grey trousers
- maroon/wine jumper with school crest (crest available in school office) wine tie
- grey/white shirt or polo-shirt
- black shoes (velcro straps are best for infants)
PE Uniform:
- Navy and red school tracksuit with school crest
- Red polo-shirt
- Runners
Our uniform is available from 'Grants' drapers on Manor Street, Dublin 7 and via their online store.
Summer Uniform-guidelines for parents February 2024
From the beginning of Term 3 (school re-opens after the Easter Holidays on Monday, 8th of April) and as the weather starts to improve, we are putting the following provisions in place if parents wish to avail of them (summer uniform).
If parents and pupils wish, pupils can wear grey trouser shorts or navy (no other colours as this is in line with the school uniform) shorts (any material but not too tight and no logos/brands please). Alternatively, pupils can wear their school tracksuit (with a plain red or white polo short- no jerseys please) as the weather improves.
The option remains for pupils to wear their standard school uniform from the beginning of Term 3 also.
We would kindly ask all pupils and parents to follow the guidelines above from the beginning of Term 3 (April 8th 2024).