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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

SSE - SPHE/Wellness and Wellbeing 2019/2020

This year we are currently engaging in the promotion of wellbeing and wellness among all stakeholders (pupils, parents an teachers). We are using the six steps of the SSE (School Self Evaluation) process to guide us. We have identified a focus (i.e. to promote the wellbeing and wellness of all stakeholders in the school). We gathered evidence (step 2) through use of questionnaires (parents, pupils and all staff members as well as conducting focus groups with particular classes). Subsequently, we analysed the data and made judgements based on the findings (we found that we need to make improvements in the culture and environment domain). We are currently engaging in step 4 (writing a school improvement plan) which we will share with the community before putting the plan into action (step 5).

See the link below for details about the well being framework for primary schools–2023.pdf

and refer to for details on the six step process.