Pastoral Care in St. Peter's N.S.

The Pastoral Care dimension of our school is of paramount importance and involves all children and adults who participate in the daily life of the school. As a team, we place strong emphasis upon creating a supportive atmosphere where all children are encouraged to strive to achieve their personal, social and academic goals.
It is important that pupils gain maximum benefit from their time at St. Peter's N.S. so that independence, responsibility, self-discipline, self-respect and consideration for others can be fostered. It is our belief that Pastoral Care is not only at the heart of the working ethos of the school but that it should be at the forefront of all levels of decision making. It is not a timetabled subject but, rather, permeates all aspects of school life.
Parents are always welcomed and encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the Principal if they have any concerns or worries. We encourage parents to share concerns about home circumstances or medical matters which may affect their child’s work or behaviour in school. Any discussions are held in confidence if desired or necessary. An early interventionist approach will be adopted when a problem is affecting the welfare or progress of a child.
As a school, we maintain a close working relationship with the various outside agencies involved in the care of children such as Teaching and Support Service(s), the NEPS Educational Psychologist/private psychologist, the Educational Welfare Officer, the Social Services, the School Nurse, local dentist/doctor, HSE and the gardaí